Freeloading Phill and ...

... 2.0 Remedial Class

Having made no progress in 2.0 for a very long time I was sent along to a day of 2.0 seminars at the state library today. It was interesting and did open my eyes to a few more ways to incorporate 2.0 into what we do at the library. I do still remain a little skeptical about 2.0 being the way all things in the library will go in the future which is the impression that a lot of the Library 2.0 talk gives me.
In an anti-eponymous move I went to lunch with Alecto who works in the state library instead of staying for the free lunch. Word is it was very good so I'll be having a sleepless night of regret tonight.


Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...

Well I did wonder, how you can be known as Mr. Freeloader and miss out on a free lunch!!!!! and YES IT WAS YUMMY!!!!!

Bayside Library Online Learning said...

I agree about 2.0. Its good for peole to know and understand but its not the be all and end alL!!!!