Freeloading Phill and ...

... The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

I finished this off this morning. It was an interesting read hampered by an awkward writing style - as I shall show in Chapter Two - and frequent lapses out of an objective viewpoint.
I found most of the ideas in the book to be quite well thought out but it did reach into the edges of hysteria in parts in an apparent attempt to show a dangerous slippery slope effect.

Chapter 2
It might be just me but, on consultation with The Maple Maverick who is widely read in all things non-fiction, I think most of us would find it damn annoying to be continually told that this and that will be shown later in the book. Okay I'll make an exception for the introduction but once you get into the text proper it is merely annoying and should not be necessary.

As to the objectivity question an editor really needs to modify quite a few the sentences as shown below:

I will refute their ridiculous arguments

Overall worth the read to find out what all the fuss was about but I'm going back to my Genre fiction.

1 comment:

Hanley Tucks said...

Dawkins wants to extend legal rights to apes.

Apes, I tell you! So if I kill a chimp, I go to prison for murder. Next we'll have to serve chimps banana milkshakes at roadside cafes and let crazy hippy chicks marry gorillas.

He also wants Britain to become a republic. After all, the last time they tried being a republic they ended up with a murderous dictatorship. Jolly good show, old chap! Maybe we could elect an orangutan President of Britain? The yanks once elected that chimp Dubya, after all.

Basically Dawkins is a communist.