Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Big Pain in the Neck

No I'm not talking about The Viking Hat GM or Supervisor Grand Chief K or even Days of our Libraries (and especially not AntagonisticAl).

What I am talking about is waking up in the morning unable to get out of bed for the painfulness of the neck muscles. It is not a fun way to start your week.
Eventually, after much flopping about like an upended turtle I managed to gain my feet and begin some attempts at recovery. A long hot shower only aggravated the neck muscles causing waves of pain - I find out later that the neck only likes a few minutes of heat and after that it gets a tad upset.

A visit to the Physio revealed that I sprained my neck sleeping. I immediately thought that I must need more practice but apparently it can happen from sleeping too well so it's most likely that I was perfect again and suffered for it. There is an alternate theory that many and various activities over the weekend strained the muscles and since giving my place a thorough vacuum was one of said activities I will be testing this theory by not vacuuming and seeing if I still have a sore neck.

In the end I was able to take a couple of days off to recover enough to soldier on at work.
I was a little perplexed when the physio presented me with a doctors certificate stating that I had presented with "Acute Cervical Pain". My first thought was that I had been in LibraryLand too long, however when I confronted the Physio with this grave insult to my rugged manliness he fobbed me off with some rubbish about "cervical" vertebrae - if only there was some handy way to research the truth of his words.

Now at another weekend - this time housework free - I am still a little stiff but it is all loosening up so unfortunately I think I'll have to be back at work on Monday.

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