Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Watching of The Watchmen

I went and saw the Watchmen movie last Saturday night with Legion2 and BrotherStealer.

I enjoyed it although the violence and steamy bits did seem to be pushed to make a contrast to the mostly talky way it all goes in the graphic novel. I'm not surprised that parents in the US who took their eight year oldsdecided to walk out - I am surprised (a little anyway) that they even took them into a MA15+ movie. It must be that whole attitude of "superheroes a for kids"

In an unintended homage to the films grim run-down eighties New York setting we saw it at the Greater Union cinema which had seen it's best in the eighties and is now a large, empty, grim, run-down space haunted by the ghosts of my teenage film viewing experiences.

The highlight of the evening was, of course, the Mexican meal afterwards. There's nothing quite like that bloated-by-beans-and-light-headed-from-margaritas feeling.
The lowlight of the evening was that Svetlana refused to talk to me on the phone while I was in my Mexican Nirvana. However that was rectified the following evening when it was just me talking with no margarita involvement at all.

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