Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Do-overs

Well here we are at the tail end of attempt number three at "Be kind to AntagonisticAl week".

Week one ended after an hour and a half with only Lord of the Small Fries giving me any credit at all - "that was quite a long time for you to be nice to someone Phill".

The second week ended after a misunderstanding. Apparently being nice to someone entails more than just not being mean so I was hit with "you haven't been nice to me all day Phill so this week is a do-over".

At this rate I'll have to be nice until Xmas! So fingers crossed that I can make it through the remains of this week without running into Her Marketing-ness and her plethora of problems... dammit I think I just caused another do-over!

Also speaking of do-overs, at last nights gaming I was forced to retire my character after The Viking Hat GM stuck to his idea of what he should do and ignored my characters dice proven skill at deception while the The Blithe Bogan performed none of the rules-enforcing his game running position is supposed to involve and Exploding Ninja Pony cowered at his end of the table eating snacks that were destined to be mine.
My do-over character is fitting in to the team, for now, but revenge shall be mine, umm his, I have no character/player separation problem.

1 comment:

Hanley Tucks said...


My character could have believed yours, but then what would he have done? Told everyone all about your character's innocence, and insisted that your character step forth to defend it.

So either way your guy would have been eaten by a grue.