Freeloading Phill and ...

... Pop Goes the Knee

Tonights soccer game gave me the delightful opportunity to hear something in my knee go POP-pop.

I may have been trying to get a little too fancy in my attempts to stop another player and was left hopping around in a bit of pain. Luckily SoccerBuddy gave me a shoulder to replace my injured leg and, despite a shoulders inappropriateness as a leg, I made it to the sideline for some quiet time with a bag of ice.

What I think happened is that the joint popped out and then back in - over-stretching the surrounding muscles in the process. The current pain is one of tenderness and overstretched muscles but I shall see how it is in the morning to check for swellings or "bad" pain.

I think I'm lucky and will just have to spend a few weeks off from soccer to let the muscles recover - which is going to play havoc with my goal scoring average.

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