Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Guide Updated

Not a Lot has been happening so I am going to release the next chapter of The Guide to cover the fact that I have no content.

There was a Saturday night poker game with Legions2-3, Badger, BrotherStealer, Spare Legion and Legion3's better half. I was late because I found that I had a flat tyre when I went to drive over and instead had to be chauffeured in style by Spare Legion driving with no night vision and using his old glasses which give him a "what's that blob?" level of vision.
I managed to come second in both poker games but more importantly I came home late and then had The Tiger getting me up ridiculously early on Sunday morning.

Speaking of fun Sunday morning activities there's nothing like changing a flat tyre while you have a knee injury.

The afternoon didn't really get better as I headed off to the footy with Legion2, Elfboy, and The Great Sandro. I amusingly ran into Agent Smith outside the ground after we'd been on the phone that morning trying to arrange a time we could meet up.
Collingwood didn't really perform at all and we were subjected to an antarctic gulf stream at the top of the Ponsford stand, so there was not a lot to enjoy for the afternoon.
The evening was much better. After dropping The Great Sandro home I caught up with Rugrat Twin for a late dinner on Victoria Street and ended up getting my hands on the next few volumes of Fables as I had quite enjoyed the first one.

Monday was spent at Beaumaris branch working out their new printing arrangement with Devil's Advocate.

I was back again on Tuesday to teach yet another class with the classy Mr Prada. After escaping from educating the public I made a quick stop at Sandringham and I found that they'd given up all hope of ever seeing me again after I'd not been by in less than a week.
Alas before I could let them bask in my Phillness for very long I was summoned to Brighton to deal with even more printer issues.
Thankfully that evening I was able to get a little stress relief in at gaming when, during the Judge Dredd game, I was able to interrogate all the characters about their woeful behaviour as Judges - something that seems to be fairly common when ordinary people try to roleplay as future law enforcers.

This morning I had the professionals repair the damage that a screw had done to my tyre before cruising in to Brighton to scavenge from their Staff Room Table of Bounteous Food and do a little work as well.

Okay maybe I lied - I guess a bit has been happening.

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