Freeloading Phill and ...

... Pimping my Hotspot

I spent a reasonable chunk of time Friday morning limping around on my bad knee showing off the wonders of my wireless internet hotspot at Brighton to a gaggle of Stonningtonites.

They seemed suitably impressed with it - particularly with the other-people-set-it-up-rather-than-the-library-IT-person part.

Of course my stunning presentation was cut short by repeated "hey Phill!" problems cropping up and staff vigorously hunting me down to solve them. I didn't even get the chance to try for a thank you lunch from my enrapt audience. Instead I had to hobble down the street for my sustenance.

The Knee Report: Days 2 and 3
Yesterday was a day of hobbling and war story telling. The general feeling was one of tenderness. I received suitable sympathy from Sister Serials, but most others gave me a Supervisor S style of "I warned you about MAMILS" attitude.

Today the knee has been stiffer but also feeling much more like it will heal up quite soon - I would be listed on the footy injury list as TEST (although I'll probably have to skip next weeks soccer).

I'm also currently considering purchasing a cane for myself so I can wave it angrily at the young whippersnappers while muttering things about lack of respect.

1 comment:

Karyn said...

Love the idea of the cane. I may even have one herre somewherre I can bring in for you. K