Freeloading Phill and ...

Leadership Training

I spent Friday last at a day of leadership training.

Of all the library inner cabal I was only joined by Big J - although the Russian Menace was present at first but used the ol' sick child excuse to skip away fairly early on in the proceedings.

I found the morning tea to be quite sumptuous with a huge variety of pastries and cake-lets, and further varieties still being brought forth even as we were being ushered back to our seats for the second round of activities.

The lunch however, was quite a let down, particularly after the prelude that the morning's parade of sweets had been.
Great platters of sandwiches were on the buffet table but on close perusal turned out to contain identical varieties - or rather lack of varieties, that is one per platter. There were also some party pies on a smaller platter and possibly some rice ball kind of things but one was far to slow to leap upon the repast to be the beneficiary of those.
As is usual for an event of this type the fruit platters had plenty of variety and leftovers.

As to the training itself I found it refreshingly grounded in real science and evidence and look forward to the advance course - Tyrant Training - as that is the level I believe one requires to be able to have any control of goings on in LibraryLand.

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