Freeloading Phill and ...

... The New Laptop and the Spelling Mistale

I'm currently in raptures as I am an IT Man with a new toy in the form of my new work laptop.

The only drawback with it is the fact that it is an itty-bitty "book" type laptop and after last weeks extensive and accurate testing at the hands of The Viking Hat GM I am now aware that my eyesight is 20/200. I am also aware that 20/200 means that at 20 metres I see as well as a perfect vision person sees at 200 metres. But really not allowing the test to be performed with glasses on and calculating a corrected character value is just another example of TVHGM running roughshod over the PLAYERS IN HIS TYPICAL DICTATORIAL STYLE!!!
But I digress.
Suffice to say that the little screen probably means a lot more IT hunching over the computer just to make sure I don't make any embarrassing typing nistales.

Speaking of mistakes, Days of our Libraries and Kiwichick took great pleasure at an insignificantly minor spelling error in my previous post despite the ease with which said typo could have been interpreted as yet another clever play on words within this magnificent oeuvre that is The Tales.

I mean really, next thing you'll know I'll find myself being severely berated by LittleBigGirl for perceived misuse of apostrophe's!


Hanley Tucks said...

Go do an IQ test so you can demonstrate your brilliance and get extra points for Awareness ;)

Were we using these characters, I would ensure you had a magic item, Spectacles +1 to Phill's Awareness.

Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...

I agree with you hole heartedly' what a waist of thyme last weak to be tested in such trying conditions. Apparently 20/200 is considered legally blind, you should have bean tested on "your best corrected site" ie with your glasses on. Re, your miner spelling misteak, you of all people I wood expect to not waist anymore time on the fact that you mispelt one little itty bitty word.
You can't be master of big words and little words..... I'm glad you didn't feint when you were up to your waste in the MRI!!!