Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Demise of The Evil Plant

The small dearth of things of which to scribe about this week, coupled with short attention span issues, leads me to write this missive about a small happening today.

After many years of fierce rivalry I have finally outlasted The Evil Plant.
The killer blow to it's flora-ic ways was actually the week of 40 degree days back in summer. That wonderful week left it flattened out and weakened enough for me to get the better of it in our contest of wills as it's immense pride did not allow it to accept any amount of help from me to assist in it's revival.
I suspect that I may also have had some additional help in the form of feline nibbling however the triumph was all mine as I deposited the remains - tub, dirt, and all - into the communal refuse holders for my block of flats. So there's another caution for you - don't mess with Phill for my dominance shall out in the end.

Even now, several hours later, I am cackling away in my success. On a completely unrelated note I have managed to have the weekend at home on my own. Two complete days with naught for company but myself and no mental side effects at all.

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