Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Ten Thousand Dollar Woman

No this post is not about me having forsaken romance and decided to purchase myself an Internet mail-order bride - surely you know I would go for the $12,000 deluxe model with the extra safety features?

The title for this post actually refers to the second of two unusual events that occurred last Tuesday whilst I was making a short visit to the local banking establishment.
The first happened as I joined the queue and the two people in front of me both took mobile phone calls in quick succession. My first thought was "it only needs my phone to go off to complete the picture of the entire queue being on their mobiles". Lo and behold, my phone rang that very second with an urgent request from Ms Magpie - the embarrassment level at joining my queue-mates was almost the equal of being forced to exclaim into one's phone "I'm on the train" whilst travelling on said public transport.

The second incident was when the woman just before me stepped up to the counter. She stated that she wanted to pay 10,000 dollars off from her credit card. She then opened her purse, pulled out a wad of notes, counted ten 100's out, returned those to her purse and plonked the remainding brick of 100 dollar notes onto the counter. Unfortunately I was called up to make my transactions by the other teller before I could observe the conclusion of her transaction.

The unusual banking activities almost put me off the completion of my reading of Genesis by Bernard Becket. This was another teen-read recommendation from The Hellenic Hoofer. And by recommendation I mean thrust into my hands during one of my infrequent visits to his home branch. It was quite an interesting examination of what it means to be conscious and if it's possible for a robot to be a conscious being.

Rounding out my mid-week hijinks was another nerd gathering organised by The Viking Hat GM as a way of trapping new players for his latest game. The Mad Magyar and others had fallen for it but I was there merely for the drink and conversation and there is absolutely no chance that I will be involved in their game next week, honest.

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