Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Ahnold Afternoon

My day began with a quickish coffee catch-up with Rugrat Twin - newly ensconced across the other side of town. Much chat was had in the limited time available before the two of us had to go our separate ways for the remains of the day.

Upon returning home I soon found out - through the miracle of the internet - that a proposed afternoon of Arnie film watching was indeed on the cards.

Organised by The Viking Hat GM as a form of welcome back event for The Mad Magyar who has only recently returned from the old country. Also in attendance was Exploding Ninja Pony which made the whole thing have a feeling of "getting the band back together". Suitably armed with snacks and a cynical attitude we commenced our cinematic endeavour.

Our first film was the classic masterpiece Predator. I think it was still thoroughly enjoyed all around for it's over the top macho characters in an exciting action movie that moves along at a reasonable pace. Still holds up well after 20 years.

Our second film was chosen because Exploding Ninja Pony had never seen it before.
It was Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.
The plot itself suffers from a little coincidence overload as everyone happens to just run into each other a few times too many however our running commentary on the flaws and "what the" moments of the film made it quite an enjoyable experience. Plus finishing up on the set of Beneath the Planet of the Apes earns it many many bonus points in this reviewers opinion.

With many other Arnie movies to explore within our particular group dynamic I suspect that there may well be several further Ahnold Afternoon in the offing.

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