Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Bemusing Blood-pressure

So I had an appointment this morning to further the cause of knee repair and whilst I was there the doctor decided that, given the four year gap between my medicals, it was best to have a go at my blood pressure.

The result was some strange sounding fraction that was actually quite good - and also almost identical to the one from my previous test of the aforementioned four years ago.

I find it very hard to believe that the past four years of extreme libraryland stress have had no effect on my blood pressure so I'm thinking of suing for malpractice.

I mean really, cast your eyes over this list of stress triggers I have had to deal with and make your own mind up:

2.0, Adversary, Agent Smith, Alecto, Alltogether Heather, Amoeba, AntagonisticAl, ArchEnemy, Badger, beeb, Beeby, BestFriendSincePrep, Big J, BigBen, Blind Willie, Bomber Babe, Books Read, BrotherStealer, Camo Spice, Caution, CC, chanlib, Comrade Treasurer, Country Girl, Cousin Dave, Days of our Libraries, Devil's Advocate, Doom, Dubrovnik Hater, Easy Em, Easy-Going Em, ElfBoy, Evil Twin, excursion bag, Exploding Ninja Pony, Facebook, Fantomas, Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, Fifi, footy, Freeloading Mum, FridgePower, Gaming, Gavman, Geisha Girl, Genealogy Jane, Groovy Spirits, Handy Dad, Hector the Nazi, Hemy, Illuminated G, Imposter Phil, Innocent Em, Judge Mingus, Juzzy J, Kiwi Nick, Kiwichick, Legion, Librarian Idol, LibraryThing, LittleBigGirl, Lord of the Small Fries, Madame President, Madmog, MAMILS, MatrixMan, Mechwarrior Wayne, Miss Amanda, Movies, Mr Magpie (no relation), Mr Prada, Mr Torchwood, MrRogers, Mrs Football, Ms Magpie, My Guitarist, Nurse Janet, Pirate Dave, Polish Chris, Redneck Ben, RFID, Rugrat Twin, Scary Adam, Scully, Seditious Sam, Sergeant PoodlenaThePoodle, Shirl, Simmone, Sir Clive Pitbull, Sister Serials, Skeptic L, Soccer, SoccerBuddy, Sonja Roster Queen, Spare Legion, SpawnOfBestFriendSincePrep, StumpyRudolph, Supervisor Grand Chief K, Supervisor S, Svetlana, Swing, The Administrator, The Bastard, The Beaumaris Ballerina, The Beer Drinking Machine, The Blithe Bogan, The Composer, The Doctor, The Electric Tiger, The Ex-President, The Flibberty Gibbet, The Fungi Lady, The Great Sandro, The Guide, The J Monster, The Mad Magyar, The Maple Maverick, The Marketing Marvel, The New IT Geek, The Polster, The Pragmatist, The Professor, The Puppies, The Real Greg Dean, The Tiger, The Valkyrie, The Viking Hat GM, The Warden, Tooticky, Torchwood, Training, Travel, TT, Tuck, Vikki, wireless, writing, Zombie Monkey


Stompy said...

Sphygmomanometer! What a cheapskate post! You just cut and pasted (pusted?) everyone's names from your Amateur Catalogue.

PS. Hope my literary criticism doesn't affect your blood pressure.

Hanley Tucks said...

What?! Surely I help lower your blood pressure by providing a relaxing game environment? Plus I always cook healthy dinners.

I am abashed.

Jennie B said...

Had you thought that perhaps instead of suffering high blood pressure yourself, you cause other's pressure to rise?? Very bemusing.