Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Star Trek Review

So, along with Fantomas and Pirate Dave from my regular Thursday night gaming group, I decided to forsake the game tonight for the only thing geekier - the new Star Trek movie.

It was pretty good using many of the common tropes of the franchise to explain the reboot of the continuity and pave the way for not having to slavishly follow the previous series and films.
Highly recommended.

The geekiness of Star Trek has even managed to eclipse my other big geek event of the week - another Geektogether. The Viking Hat GM organised the first of these in almost a year to try and kick-start his flailing gaming career after the The Blithe Bogan abruptly put an end to its latest burst of activity a few weeks ago.

And in a contrasting non-geeky event I, along with Legions 2-3, BrotherStealer, and MadMog, attended the housewarming for Spare Legion this Saturday past. With Badger and Hector the Nazi also in attendence much drinking and fun and frivolity was had by all.

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