Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Life Brightonian

Contrary to all my planning I ended up spending most of last week anchored to Brighton branch.

This lead to my partaking in all facets of the Brighton lifestyle: the lunches, the perpetual snacks on the kitchen table, the crazy computer users, the nigh-constant hubbub of noise from the workroom, the late working nights trying to catch up on all the work that was missed due to unavoidable participation in said hubbub and snack ingesting.

Being so long at the one location gave me opportunity to scientifically test my hypothesis that my presence has a detrimental effect on individuals problem solving skills.
I was able to first hand see the problems I was asked to solve devolve from the beginning of the weeks fairly reasonable "Phill! my computer just exploded", through to the late week puzzlers along the lines of "Phill! How do I click my mouse again?"

Luckily I was able to make good my escape and spend my Friday luxuriating in the autonomous environment that is Sandy.
The only hardship being having to put up with Days of our Libraries claiming my latest knee injury was merely my latest attempt to get out of going down on bended knee before Svetlana no matter how much I assured her that, when I come to engage in such an endeavour, I shall do it in a thoroughly modern manner and send Svets an email.

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