Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Caramel Cake Crisis

So yesterday was a day of significant aging for me - well not that significant, wait for next year.

As is the tradition at work I made a box cake, which is no mean feat in this current heat wave. With the able assistance of The Tiger I was up at the crack of dawn and stirring away before popping things in the oven and getting on with the unimportant preparation for work.

For this year I had decided to avoid the whole writing numbers on top of the cake thinking by making cupcake-lets and I was unable to resist going for caramel as it is one of my favourite flavours.

Arriving at my home branch I was proudly brandishing my creations at Mr Prada and the rest of the Sandy Squad when Days of our Libraries dashed out to her car and returned with an enormous slab of mud cake iced and covered with crumbled chocolate.

It was caramel.

The icing was caramel.

My cupcake-lets were insignificant compared to this monster of marvellous caramelosity.

I was devastated and then had to go to a Writing for the Web training session where I was told it was terrible web writing if one composed ones missives using big words and that one should not eschew the use of plain and simple phrases.

It was like a one-two punch but, being the trooper I am, I managed to recover by consoling myself with a slab of delicious caramel mud cake.

The evening saw the return of one of my previous nemeses Innocent Em for a birthday stealing farewell event at the local drinking establishment. There were speeches - which neglected the birthday boy - and a smaller coterie stayed on for dinner. It turns out Em isn't quite so innocent being in the family way now.

I also received birthday wishes via telephone from The Great Sandro who overcame his fear of embarrassment to call and scads of people on Facebook including birthday twin CC.

All in all a reasonable good day.

1 comment:

Oops.. I deleted my blog!! said...

Au contraire mon ami, your petite little caramelly cupcakes created a sensation in the staffroom. More than once I was asked "isn't Phill cute, did you see the cute little cupcakes he baked?" Hmmm.... not only upstaging me with your big words..... but with CUTE baking now as well !?!. oh! and take note "one should not eschew the use of plain and simple phrase" or words.. Bonne nuit, mon ami.