Freeloading Phill and ...

... Supervising Svetlana's Sleeping

As of last night Svetlana is in the country. [Phill does the dance of joy]

There was much reacquainting and examining of the flat - everything passed inspection [Phill does the dance of relief], although the study/junk/games room did almost cause a cardiac incident, but it is my contractual blokes room of the house so it is excluded from the upcoming extreme house makeover.

After all the excitement of her 30 hour flight Svetlana is still snoozing away well into this morning.
I keep going in to sit by the bed and watch her sleep in a way that's totally romantic and sweet and not at all creepy and stalker-ish.
It is hard to believe she finally made it - I might have to go in and pinch her one more time just to be sure.


Hanley Tucks said...

Goofy in games, goofy in love!

Hanley Tucks said...

Well, no saucy or dramatic updates? Come on, you're letting your audience down!