Freeloading Phill and ...

... Smashing Sandy

So there I was minding my own business and innocently parking to avoid Mr Prada's Pradamobile when, all of a sudden, Sandringham Library lept out in front of my car.

Even my finely-honed reaction skill was not enough to stop the occurrence of a small impact, however I did save the building from major damage. My license plate cover was not so lucky, the remains of it had to be removed, and my license plate is enjoying the freedom of the open air with only a small dent giving any hint as to its adventure.

Interestingly, on closer examination, Mr Prada was able to determine that the library wall appeared to be made from cardboard (probably one of Supervisor Grand Chief K's cost-cutting measures).

After Days of our Libraries' schadenfreude had worn off I swore the witnesses to secrecy so that Svetlana never hears of this and will not be able to use it as an excuse to be the one driving when she arrives in ... OMG less than a week!

1 comment:

Hanley Tucks said...

You should have spent a Fate Point.

Or hang on... maybe you did.