Freeloading Phill and ...

... the Week of Crashes

My regular blogging has been interrupted by computer crash after computer crash this week.

First the Brighton library connection went offline after, as we eventually found out, we we're upgraded to ADSL2 for free and a tech miswired things at the exchange. The three step support process took forever.
  1. First the provider wants you to jump through hoops before they pass it on to the techs - "restart the modem; unplug the phone line; try a different modem; stand on one leg; etc".
  2. Then the techs take it so far before they have to contact Telstra who control a lot of the equipment.
  3. Finally Telstra fix the exchange problem but the modem settings must not be correct and the Provider's help desk won't help with anything beyond the Basic configuration. Sheesh!

Once all of that is finally settled down Beaumaris library is taken offline by an unrelated Telstra equipment upgrade which may take all day to fix and the offline program for the new LMS only wants to work at Bea when we are online. Mr Prada was the lucky recipient of a local admin password just to get things happening down there.

Finally the new LMS decides to crash with too many processes running at once and none of them wanting to finish.

I don't think there's enough time left in the week for something else to crash but you never know!

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