Freeloading Phill and ...

... the New Genre Sticker

I finished reading Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb today.

It has turned out to be quite the controversial book - stirring up all sorts of genre ghetto-ising talk from the librarians when I said that it should be a family saga because it was all about the generations of the family struggling to live together and fretting over the potential loss of their Magic Ship.
The words "Magic ship" were barely out of my mouth before Supervisor S and Sister Serials began emphatically shouting "Fantasy! Fantasy! Fantasy! If there's Magic it's Fantasy!" with the rest of the workroom rhubarbing along like a frenzied mob trying to oust me from their "proper" reading vicinity.

Well I think that if Crime novels can have their Gun, Detective and Sneaky Man then Fantasy can have it's sub-genres too, so I present to you the Fantasy Family Saga genre Sticker:

This should make sure that Fantasy readers are able to more accurately determine which flavour of Fantasy they will be reading.

1 comment:

Trev said...

I like it!! Good luck trying to convince the rest of LibraryLand! You could do a whole range of fantasy sub-genres but i think the most pressing is vampire humour (although that sticker could look a bit creepy with all those fangs!)