Freeloading Phill and ...

... Timescapes and Future Sight

I finished reading Timescapes - Stories of Time Travel on the weekend. It was a bit of a crawl but as I've been so busy. It is actually quite disjointed to read a book of short stories at a pace of only five or six pages a day.

Sunday was the latest of our regular post-release tournaments for Magic. ArchEnemy won this one diversifying the winners further after the early years of Freeloading family domination.

This mornings attempt to catch the train to work was thwarted by Connex cancellations which caused me to turn around and fetch my automobile to ensure that I could make it to work before the 10 o'clock opening.
Once at work I was doing lot's of little jobs and tweaking of parameters for the new LMS.

Updates may become a little less regular for a little while as I will be moving this weekend and may not have ADSL at home straight away.

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