Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Big Move

The big news is that I am moved in to the new flat and surrounded by piles of stuff until I can sort it and put it all away (and I'm not going to sort by Dewey!). I had a Tiger under the bed for the first few days but now I have an exploring Tiger.

Making it all harder is a bad cold that I probably picked up last Thursday playing soccer in 6 degree temperatures and may have made worse by attending the soccer groups beer tasting night at a couple of Richmond venues.

In amongst that I finished reading the Abaddon Books sampler. Abaddon are a new company creating action based, teen focused stories with a big dash of gore thrown in. The sampler had a chapter from each of their first four books with most of it beinf fairly run of the mill zombie/post holocaust/fantasy style stories with tough loner protagonists.

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