Freeloading Phill and ...

... the Days of Sacrifice, Training, and Renovation

Well what a week it's been.

The unsolvable Beaumaris problem ate Monday.
Tuesday was consumed with planning the training for the LMS upgrade and preparing the Brighton computers (which took most of the next two days as well!)

Thursday was a day that called for me to make many sacrifices in order to get all the Brighton computers ready: I skipped the free Potato lunch at Council HQ, then skipped my regular Soccer game and finally skipped my Thursday night gaming.

Supervisor S did a magnificent job of running the Brighton training on Friday morning and I just hung around, helped occasionally and made notes of the glitches that needed to be fixed.
Friday afternoon, and on into early evening, was devoted to preparing the Beaumaris computers.

As the weekend arrived I was able to relax by cleaning and then painting parts of my new place with Handy Dad. There was the highlight Saturday night of Rugrat Twin's drinks to celebrate the end of a job and the new beginning.

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