Freeloading Phill and ...

... the Return of MAMILS

I played in my weekly casual soccer game last night (still no goals!) and the left knee MAMILS returned. MAMILS (Middle Aged Man's Injured Leg Syndrome) was first pointed out to me by Supervisor S last year as something that happens to middle-aged men when they take up sport again. Of course since S mentioned it I've been plagued by mystery twinges and tenderness so be aware, now that I've told you about MAMILS you too are vulnerable.

In any case the knee is only slightly tender this morning so I think I've dodged the MAMILS bullet.

After soccer was the Thursday night Super Heroes role-playing game. Quite a good session with my character Jackie returning from other dimensions with news of the repercussions of our actions and getting the team to cross back to try and fix things... or so they think.

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