Freeloading Phill and ...

A Conference of Nigh Disasters

So One spent most of last week toiling away at conference in Brisbane - a conference plagued by nigh disasters!

As one of the the organisers of said conference the first nigh disaster occurred when the venue went silent on the communication front for a while. It turned out they had been sold but the new owners had sensibly decided to honour all their bookings so disaster was averted.

The next nigh disaster was when the conference bag printer decided to leave the printing until the day before the conference. Luckily Old Mate was able to go there in person and impress upon them the urgency, so disaster was averted.

Another nigh disaster loomed for the plane flight northwards when One learned that President S, Sis, and Oneself would be seated in the same row. Luckily Sis had planned carefully and President S was seated as a barrier between the pair of us, so disaster was averted.

There was also a nigh disaster when very few of the attendees inferred the Hawaiian theme for the "Libraryland cocktails" event -  "cocktails", by the pool. What is there that is not clear in that invite?!?
In any case one can always depend on Vivacious Em to get the memo and attend in appropriate attire. Several others clothed themselves correctly as well, so disaster was averted.

With One not emceeing this year there was a chance for a nigh disaster but President S stepped up to the duties and so disaster was averted.

A most heinous nigh disaster was presented to us as the venue decided that savoury low sugar "treats" were in order for the morning and afternoon teas in order to facilitate increased concentration in the afternoons. Thankfully there were some chocolate balls for the final morning tea and so disaster was averted.

As the moment for the walk to the conference dinner venue approached so did a most violent electrical rain storm. Nigh disaster was averted by the hiring of maxi cabs to ferry attendees to the Gourmet venue. It was also averted when the storm decided to peter out five minutes before the first cabs arrived, sigh.

Nigh disaster also loomed when, as one was arranging LibraryBFF's birthday bubbles at the farewell drinks bar, LibraryBFF herself appeared beside me seeking her next drink. Surprisingly she was just happy to have said next drink, and was not concerned about lost surprise, and so disaster was averted.

One is hoping that next year's Sydney conference is not so nigh disaster prone.

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