Freeloading Phill and ...

The unread A to Z : Crowdsourcing J

One is once again due for one's next read in ones A to Z of Unread SciFi and Fantasy Authors quest.

The J is the current letter and, once again,  one has nothing suitable on the bowing to read shelf.

One is turning once more to one's network of loyal readers in order to crowd source the J - or at least a short-list of Js.

The Rules

Titles should be in the sci-fi and fantasy realms, or speculative fiction if you prefer.

The Author's Surname should begin with the letter J, and they should be one who's wares one has not sampled before.

Here is my Author list of already read Js from the time span of The Tales:

Kenneth Johnson, Robert Jordan

Hmmm, not very impressive. A quick perusal of several Internet lists can add: Steve Jackson, Tove Jansson, and K. W. Jeter. Making it a truly impressive list.

So get to it Internet, and recommend away.

Bonus points if the book is available in the work catalogue

Even more bonus points, and the win by default, if you place your recommendation into one's hands.


fantomas said...

Benedict Jacka - the Alex Versus novels (first one is called "Fated"), Urban fantasy, sort of like Harry Dresden, set in London. While I cannot supply you with a physical copy, I can lend you an epub version of the first ( and if you like it, the others)

Freeloading Phill said...

Ooh. A strong and interesting sounding frontrunner.

You may not be surpassed.