Freeloading Phill and ...

The unread A to Z : Crowdsourcing D

One has finished a brace of titles recently, including:

Factotum - Parte the Thirde of the Monster Blood Tattoo series - 4 stars

The Road - a recommendation from The Maple Maverick after discussions of zombie survival and looking after kids - SPOILER: no zombies in The Road. 4 bleak stars

The Gods of Risk - a novella in the universe of The Expanse. A nice touch base between the 2nd and 3rd books. 4 stars - in space!

One is now considering that it is time for the next read in ones A to Z of Unread SciFi and Fantasy Authors quest.

One has progressed as far as the D and now has nothing on the to read pile that qualifies.

Ergo, I am reaching out to my network of loyal readers in order to crowd source my D - or at least a short-list of Ds.

The Rules
Titles should be in the sci-fi and fantasy realms, or speculative fiction if you prefer.

The Author's Surname should begin with the letter D, and they should be one who's wares one has not sampled before.

Here is my Author list of already read Ds from the last 8 odd years (one's inner sniggering schoolboy notes that one has read a lot of Dick books in one's life):

Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Martin Day, Guillermo del Toro,  Philip K. Dick, Thomas M. Disch, Sara Douglass

So get to it Internet, and recommend away.

Bonus points if the book is available in the work catalogue

Even more bonus points, and the win I guess, if you place your recommendation into one's hands.


Unknown said...

Sa- Oh, you have read Sara Douglass. Well, good, carry on.

JudgeMingus said...

ThunderFoot said...
Mainly known for his editting, but his own stories are amazing. One of my favourite authors. Try and get hold of the short story collection "The Visible Man". It contains, "The Machines of Loving Grace" which is where I'm sure the band got their name. It's the story that has caused me the most emotion in my life...

fantomas said...

Based on your list of D authors you've read, I would recommend Stephen R Donaldson & The Gap series. There is also the australian author Shane Dix who often writes with Sean Williams. William C Dietz and the Pik Lando trilogy or any other of his bools.

ThunderFoot said...

The Gap is amazing, I'd forgotten about that. The kind of thing I should reread at some point, but there is so much new and old stuff I haven't read... Sigh.

Freeloading Phill said...

Well Pete, I do have The Gap under my belt so Donaldson's out.

Delany and Dozois are both possibilities - and we have a Dozois in the library.