Freeloading Phill and ...


It's not an easy thing for a workplace to lose a colleague.

It's also not an easy thing for these posts to The Tales to be serious - but we'll see how this goes.

It was sad news indeed for the library service to hear that The Hellenic Hoofer had succumbed to the illness that had cruelly sprung itself upon him in the months after his commencement of retirement but before his many great plans could be enacted.

The past week as seen many memorable moments relayed back and forth in the workplace - particularly from those who have known him much longer than one's scant nine years.

One's personal remembrances include:

His love for advocating teen reading and the regular foisting of teen Scifi and fantasy books upon oneself, all of which turned out to be good reads indeed... which possibly says something about his ability to perceive one's mental age.

His treating of every fantasy book one recommended as a historical puzzle to be solved, resulting in statements such as, "after I worked out it was a variation of medieval Spain I lost all interest in the story and couldn't finish it".

His love and loyalty for the Doggies in a long-suffering way.

However most of all, in my capacity as the IT Guy in LibraryLand,  I remember the oh so frequent phone calls that always seemed to begin with a shouted, "It's not effin' working".

Vale Peter.

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