Freeloading Phill and ...

And D Winner is ...

As per one's previous posting I am crowd sourcing a D author for my A to Z of Unread Sci-Fi and Fantasy Authors reading undertaking.

By virtue of one being on the shelf at one's working library branch I shall shortly be commencing a tome by Gardner Dozois - Strangers.

Congratulations to MatrixMan on the successful recommendation. Although Badger may have inadvertently won by virtue of handing the Legion a Space Opera collection containing a Delaney novella, without any knowledge of the competition being underway.

Amoeba shall serve out a one recommendation suspension after being yellow carded for continuing to recommend previously read authors.
And Pirate Dave's status is being considered after he went backwards and handed one an unread C author.

Sigh. Rules people, rules.


Unknown said...

a) "Pirate!"
b) "They're more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules."

Amoeba said...

Hey! You totes hadn't read the first two in the series!!!