Freeloading Phill and ...

The Spamming Career of Freeloading Mum

Having recently returned from her overseas trip Freeloading Mum was in dire need of IT support.

It seems that her gmail account had been disabled after just one use and she had been unable to send any updates through to yours truly and the Legion.

Upon further investigation - which required partaking of dinner with Freeloading Mum and Handy Dad - it was discovered that apparently sending a long email recounting one's holiday adventures to eight (that's 8!) recipients is deemed by Google to have breached the limit for their Spam detection algorithms. The sending account is then automatically disabled because it is obviously a Spam factory pumping out annoying emails about how interesting it was to spend several days touring around London.

The alternate theory is that Google merely deems anything from the old country as Spam.

In the end it was a reasonably easy thing to have the disabledness removed - after one sorted out the problem of Freeloading Mum's contact address being one of the recently discontinued ones.

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