Freeloading Phill and ...

... The Small Victories

This week so far has been one of small victories.

It began when I finally wrestled correct function out of our receipt slip printers as they'd been limping along with minor annoyances since our recent upgrade.
In the process I have become a master of xmlst programming - or more correctly a master of "I'll just change this and see what happens... woohoo nothing broke let's try another one... two hours later we have success". Still as long as my staff don't see the toil they'll continue to think of me as an IT Wizard extraordinaire.

My next small victory was in getting our training room DVD player to work through the overhead projector before Sister Serials eviscerated me for not having it working in time for her special book club meeting where they watch a movie... yeah I don't get it either.
In any case the problem seems to be that some hyper-efficient IT Man in LibraryLand had plugged one to many cables back in to the projector after changing the globe earlier in the year and one was blocking the DVD signal. Some quick unplug this, unplug that and viola it's all working again.

Another small victory was being able to leave work early, well, on time - which is early for the last few months.

And the most recent small victory was getting gmail chat to work despite lashings of sarcasm hurled in my direction by both Svetlana and The Viking Hat GM as I struggled to undo my all-to-good hiding of the chat functionality.

Anyway I must be off to accumulate further small victories.

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