Freeloading Phill and ...

... the Painstaking Search

(246 Alternate Title: Thing #9 Finding Feeds)

I've just persevered my way through many, many, many feed searches on Feedster, Technorati and Syndic8. The lack of results was uninspiring but I persisted because I wanted to find a feed to add to my site, and fill in another box on my progress chart (which is the special dog treat of this 2.0 stuff), and I wanted one that shared some things with mine.

In the end I found a couple using the Bloglines search - which I heartily recommend as being much more user friendly and successful than the others.
  • The first site I actually stopped to read was Library Monk- the Blog of Dan Greene, a sporadically updated site (which makes me feel better about my infrequent updates) that touches on IT in the library with small updates on the personal life.
  • From there I bounced through to The Shifted Librarian which has a scary amount of postings and references on to other blogs and news sites
  • Which is how I found Librarian Idol by an Australian librarian in Darwin. He has only recently begun but already has a level of content that puts me to shame. He writes some thought provoking stuff and has also created a reasonably funny youtube video.

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