Freeloading Phill and ...

R we there yet?

So One has completed the read of the 'R' tome of one's A to Z of Unread SciFi and Fantasy Authors endeavour.

This one came straight off the unread books shelf at home and had been impatiently awaiting it's chance as it generally seems to be highly regarded.

The volume in question is The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
It is the first "Day" in the Kingkiller Chronicle.

Now, whether it was: an over-anticipation thing; or a lack of long reading spells in these zero commuting days; or the simultaneous reading with Hulk of  "Born-special boy wizard goes to wizard high school" making the large segments of wizard university a bit too samey; this one didn't soar to great heights with me.
It was an enjoyable read, and I found no problems with the flow of prose, so I guess it was the plot which was lacking in the awe-inspiring realm?
Given all that, it was still a solid 3 and a half star read.

Next in the AtoZ series will be an S from one's shelf, so, once again, no recommendations needed.

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