Freeloading Phill and ...

Further great benefits

It seems that the achieving of a half century commences an accruing of special benefits upon oneself.

The most recent of which is long awaited, and much desired by oneself and also the likes of FridgePower, yes it is the much coveted, government-given right to send poo through the mail.

After much careful planning, One took to the task with glee and forthwith dispatched the first missive.

However, one of the travesties of government is that they can take away one's rights as a trifling matter.

This was the sad case for me as I soon found myself in receipt of an official government letter that summarises thusly:
Dear sir,
There is no need for you to continue sending poo in the mail. 
Please discontinue the practice immediately.
Sincerely, some cruel government official

Of course One was enraged by such a broach of basic human rights and began contacting rights organisations to commence action.

Perplexingly none of them seem to be interested in one's case...

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