Freeloading Phill and ...

Regular Pilgrimage and Unicorn Lore

So in the past week one has once again made the pilgrimage to the great shrine and attended the footy with The Great Sandro and Sneaky Pete.

After a cold-pies start Sneaky Pete and I were soon treated to a magnificent hot-pies show before the whole thing wound down into a luke-warm finish at the end. Still, as they say in the game, a win's a win.

True to form The Great Sandro was a font of trivia and questions and not much caring about the state of his beloved Carlton. One believes we all had a good night and even kept our spirits during the sardine can journey home squeezed in with all those Hurstbridge line interlopers catching our train to get to their buses during the rail line works.


Also of not this week is an educational moment with Hulk wherein we were shopping and she espied some soft-toy Unicorns on display and implored one to purchase a unicorn for her:
"But dad I have to have the unicorn, it's so pink and soft and horny!!"

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