Freeloading Phill and ...

A Fungi Feast

So this Wednesday last was a feasting opportunity organised by The Fungi Lady which also turned out to be a lure to get One into a social situation involving catching up and interacting with friends.

The social ambush was at a delightful restaurant in the city proper and One was uncharacteristically the first to arrive - despite delaying arrival with one of my 1 minute peeks in the nearby gaming shop.

The evening began with an instant of the short life of the Amoeba as she popped by for the briefest of hellos before becoming dead to me for not staying.

The remainder of us soldiered on bravely with Doom and the increasingly errantly named Non-Gamin' Megan shouldering much of the load.

All in all it turns out that such a social engagement is not much of a strain on One after all and one is even looking forward to further such engagements - especially is there is feasting involved.

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