Freeloading Phill and ...

An Excellent Expansive E Book

One has finished the most excellent third volume in the Expanse Series by James S A Corey - Abaddon's Gate.

A solid 4.5 stars that kept me wanting to read more. If you like hardish sci-fi and interesting characters then you shouldn't miss it. And as a bonus when the current TV series becomes a world wide hit you'll be able to snob "I read the book years ago".

And now that that's finished I'm ready to move on to my E book in my A to Z of Unread SciFi and Fantasy Authors quest.

Unfortunately there seems to be a dearth of E authors. Still, there were a few good suggestions. Mr Prada was first into the suggestion box, however one had already sampled a Ben Elton book in the distant past.

It would seem that the suggestion of The Bastard, backed up by MatrixMan, is the winner with Gardens of the Moon, a little Erickson number (that begins a decology!!), except there is a delay as one is ordering it in from a rival library service.

Therefore, in the meantime, one will proceed with Fantomas's tactfully presented suggestion of a Warren Ellis near future novel, an author whom one has read some graphic novels of.
The volume in question - Crooked Little Vein - also happens to be sitting on one's library discards pile at home, which is excellent for one's lazy book selection style.

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