Freeloading Phill and ...

Beating a Good Birthday

So yesterday was one’s birthday. A not particularly significant one - although one does like the neatness of the double fours - and also one not destined to reach the heights of one’s phabulous fortieth. Or so I thought.

It started out with finding several sweet little paper notes from Salsa Girl secreted in one’s wallet (I'm not sure if they took the place of some plastic notes though).

The next birthday treat was a regular meeting finishing an hour early - and only ten minutes past the scheduled finish time.

After that we transported the library to a local for some celebratory feasting wherein one was chuffed to have Alltogether Heather offer to pay for one’s complimentary lunch deal drink.

Upon returning to work the afternoon then stretched on and on until cake time. But finally that half hour had passed and we had the obligatory song and one’s hand picked cake was consumed with gusto.

Arriving home one found that Salsa Girl was hand carving New York Hamburgers to go along with the Baked New York Cheesecake she had prepared earlier.

And then she unveiled her masterstroke to make this the best birthday ever.

It seems she had been scheming and researching for weeks to arrange the gifting of an electronic drum kit to bring one back to being a drummer.

Brought nigh to speechlessness I spent the remainder of the evening putting bits together in assembly mode.

Alas the project was not complete - only getting to the rubbery thwack stage - and taking a sick day was not an option so the real beat goes on this evening.

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