Freeloading Phill and ...

New Year, Same Old Tales

So, you would think that being on holidays would provide plenty of time for crafting The Tales. However a plethora of emphatically good reasons that this is not, in fact, so can be provided - amongst them are home improvements and heat waves.

You might also then think that a return to work would herald forth a return to regular postings.

Alas it appears that neither situation has any bearing on one’s ability to find time for crafting Tales to the high standards expected by one's discerning audience.

Therefore it appears that in order to steer this great ship back onto the rails and fly high once more I shall have to scrap any grand plans for holiday updates and look only forwards.

As compensation, in the spirit of the Internet done right, here is a pictorial depiction of what happens when a chronically under-brushed The Tiger meets an impending heat wave.


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