Freeloading Phill and ...

His Masterful Bidding

As you may have inferred from my previous postings Salsa Girl, Hulk, and I have been on the lookout for a new headquarters. One that suits our rapidly changing and starting to move about the place backwards requirements.

Well yesterday saw us affect an artful acquisition at an afternoon auction.

It was all handled calmly and serenely by yours truly dispensing bids with great aplomb and grinding the one other bidder under the inevitability of ours being the winning bid.

There was never a skerrick of fear or doubt in my mind from the moment I squeaked out the opening bid until the hammer fell and the auctioneer was shaking my sweaty, quivering hand, in congratulations.

When we won Salsa Girl was wonderfully excited and Hulk and I should regain hearing by this evening.

After several hours of contract signing we all headed home for some much needed rest and to begin the long planning for the big move ahead of us.

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