Freeloading Phill and ...

New Year, New Publishing Schedule

So I've finally managed to fulfil that promise to myself and change my publishing schedule.
The problem seems to be that I have moved it the wrong way. Sigh - three weeks.

Still it was the feast-ive season and one did have an awful lot of feast-iveness to attend to.
The work side of things was quite the herculean task, given that one has four workplaces at which to put in a good showing and the overall council soiree.

On the home front I did have help from Salsa Girl and Hulk although I did buckle up (buckle down?) and shoulder the majority of the consummative workload - not one, nor two, but three Xmas's''''!!
And all of them part of Hulk's first Xmas, and therefore requiring extra levels of celebration.

Amongst all that was the traditional migration northward for the seeing in of the New Year. This year was seen in from bed, counting down the last seconds then promptly off with the lights and giving in to the fatigue. Thank you Hulk for that change to our partying style - one may never be the last to leave again.

Speaking of traditions, one normally does some sort of roundup of the year in gaming and the general quality of The Tales. However as one has been on gaming hiatus for several quarters now (baring some Internet ancients sparing with Young Jim) and one also failed to out post FridgePower or even pass the half-century and the fact that it has become quite late and Hulk threatens to cut short ones slumber yet again (if The Tiger does not beat her to it) one had better get to bed rather than wallow in trifling statistics.

See you all in another regularly scheduled three weeks.

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