Freeloading Phill and ...

The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis

During one's recent sojourn at home with the young Hulk one had the opportunity to catch oneself up with a variety of movies. Hmmm, come to think of it, it doesn't feel so recent anymore.

One such movie was The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, which was rather enjoyable although taken in small 20 minute chunks due to having to attend to my high maintenance daughter's needs comma various.

Seeing the movie inspired me to dig out my copies of the Chronicles of Narnia and schedule them for a re-read - chronologically of course as it wouldn't be correct to read them in any other order.

Luckily for me any issue of first written versus first in the storyline are immediately solved by looking at the spines of my Fontana Lions, Lucky Book Club editions circa 1980.

Hence my return to Narnia commenced with the titular volume and it's prominently displayed number one.

It was a quickish read and crammed a lot of happenings into its 170 pages. In a way it was refreshing to have a lot left to imagination rate than detailed over pages and pages.

In any case it tells the story of the creation of Narnia - including the secret origins of the lamp post - and is quite fun with the proper young children and the nasty uncle and beginnings of the whole Chronicle. I give it a 3 star rating.

I expect the rest of the series will be read as light respite from one's usual hefty tomes of fantasy and scifi over the coming year.

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