Freeloading Phill and ...

Delays that are not Disruptions

So today was supposed to see one's triumphant return to early starts at work after a relaxing train journey. However a 40 minute delay on the transit leg into the city has put paid to that.

One was surprised to learn - after some quick Internet accessing - that one was mistaken about the graveness of the delay.
Both the obnoxiously "upgraded" PTV app and our dear Metro's own Delays and Disruptions web page informed me that I was enjoying good service as I spent a quarter hour admiring the view between Collingwood and North Richmond stations.
Checking again while partaking of the Jolimont to Flinders Street view for a similar amount of time showed me that, once again, I was mistaken about what a Delay and Disruption actually is.

All is not a total waste however as I now have some handy tips on how to provide good service to everyone at work while they are not actually experiencing any delay at all.


Unknown said...

Good thing I had gym this morning before work and got into the city before their service fell off the rails.

JudgeMingus said...

Good thing that I very rarely use PT any more!

This is the sort of thing that led me to start cycling to work.