Freeloading Phill and ...

Stephen King's Wind Through the Keyhole

I finished this one the other day on one of my innumerable train sojourns now that I am well and truly back at the coal-face.

The Wind Through the Keyhole is a return to the story of King's Dark Tower. The Dark Tower series being one of one's favourite things in the world. Therefore I looked upon this with a lot of anticipation and a little trepidation.
It turns out that I had nothing to be worried about. I found it a welcome return to the world of the Dark Tower - as book four and a half - and thoroughly enjoyed immersing myself in the story - or should I say stories. With this novel I think Steve has hit upon a good way to express his past decades fascination with formats and structures of writing. The story within a story within a story format works a treat here and my only disappointment is that it all ended too soon.

I give it four and a half stars and now worry that I am sorely tempted to re-read the final 3 books of the series.

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