Freeloading Phill and ...

A Grand Day

So this weekend has seen a grand day that shall go down in the annuls of history. Why it shall be spoken of in conversations for decades to come and shouted from the rafters for all eternities!
Well it will at least be noted as: "Oh yeah, that's good".

It was the occasion of oneself and Hulk's first expedition sans Salsa Girl which would allow her some relief from our annoying antics. It was a major undertaking as one left the house, festooned with all of the various paraphernalia that is required for the happy keeping of Hulk.

The choice of excursion was the regular collection of one's 2000AD comics (the home of Judge Dredd) from the newsagent that has been gracious enough to keep putting them aside for one for the past several decades and can endure a bi-monthly collection schedule as opposed to the rather stringent fortnightly that most establishments demand.

So there I was with nappy bag, carry harness, emergency bottle and finally one's own modest excursion bag for the holding of one's newly acquired comics hitting the road on a great trek North and learning much about automobile travel and small humans. It seems that direct sunlight can be quite distressing for the little ones, especially when it is in their eyes directly - as one discovered upon turning into a more exposed street and finding ones aural capabilities under sudden cacophonous assault.
In any case one short stop and adjustment of light blocking gauze later we were on our way again and one of us returned to snoozeville.

After that drama collection was no great hassle, although Hulk does have a no stopping rule when being carried which makes awaiting service at a counter a tad difficult.

Soon enough we were back in our vehicle and bound for a quick visit to Legion3, Madmog, and their little one. Some awesome daddy-led feeding and snoozing ensued and the stay stretched out until we returned home to Salsa Girl who had found out that she may have missed our annoying antics after all.

Oh, there was another Grand part to the weekend as the Big J mandate had Hulk and myself supporting the Swans in juxtaposition to The Great Sandro who was following his childhood team.
Justice and good prevailed on the day and both Hulk and I were quite chuffed in our red and white.

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