Freeloading Phill and ...

Conan and Sharpe's Waterloo

Well it seems to be the season for reviews as one finished both of the above named properties just before the very busy weekend.

The Conan in the title - who despite one's misleading title is not present at Waterloo fighting alongside Richard Sharpe - is last years remake moving picture which I was unable to see in it's proper environment i.e in the resplendent company of The Viking Hat GM, Exploding Ninja Pony, The Mad Magyar, and sundry others of a geekish persuasion.

Instead it was one's exercise machine distraction watched in 20 minute chunks over several days.

When watched in this fashion it comes up quite well and, despite Pirate Dave's lack of faith, I was able to last through until the end and in fact enjoyed it to boot.

Sharpe's Waterloo is the umpteenth (perhaps Pratcheteenth is more correct?) in the Sharpe series and sees him in attendance at the eponymous battle - in fact it sees him traverse much of the battlefield several times over the course of the day turning the tide at almost every appearance.

It was enjoyable military history fiction although unlike a previous Sharpe story one had read, involved very little plot other than the battle itself. Enjoyable and worth a read if you are inane way interested in things Napoleonic.

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