Apparently when one does not set an alarm one has a tendency to sleep until almost noon (nigh moon?) - especially when it's one of those rare weekends when Sister Serials makes no crisis calls from the library.
Of course such an alarm would have been set had there been an event on, such as the gaming extravaganza at The Bastard's which was booked in for my completely free and open Saturday for nigh on a month before a last minute change to the booked for Salsa time Sunday afternoon because of some inexplicable preference for Dragonmim and Pirate Dave being at the table instead of oneself. All explained with the flimsy excuse of "more people are available then" or some such.
In any case I made the most of my nothing time over both days, achieving huge amounts of rest and nothing. I believe I shall enter the working week fully refreshed and ready to go, go, go.
I'll just check this one more web site then get to bed...