Freeloading Phill and ...

The Synchronicity of Blog Postings

So Salsa Girl and I had an event filled weekend.

Our Saturday eve was spent at BestFriendSincePrep's for a lovely dinner and some playing of Carcasonne - which I dutifully played for last position in order that my evening's company should feel good about their games playing.

One's Sunday involved a trip to Bendigo for the birthday of Salsa Girl's lovely grandma.
In a strange coincidence FridgePower and Judge Mingus made a similar trip to Ballarat on the same day.
To save me some time and effort read all about FridgePower's wonderful experience and substitute Bendigo for Ballarat and you pretty much have what happened - although Salsa Girl wouldn't let me stop for food every time I was hungry.
Next time I believe I'll be truckin' with FridgePower.

1 comment:

Stompy said...

So now you're a freeloading off other people's blogs too, huh?