Freeloading Phill and ...

Tender Mercies

This is going to have to be a short missive as one is currently deeply embroiled in the hugely mentally taxing process of undertaking an evaluation of tenders for one's place of work.

This process, foisted upon one by Supervisor Grand Chief K as she traipsed off on some holiday or other, is one of the most painful that one can even comprehend undergoing - more painful even than missing out on morning tea with freshly baked chocolate cake! It is such a torment to be involved in this process that I fear I shan't recover for months to come.

Of course some things - such as a system wide network issue disrupting all work in the library and causing an unending stream of "hey Phill" calls - have required that I roll out the excuse:
Sorry, I can't help you, I have to work on this tender right now.


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